Running docker from a container
It's kind of like docker-in-docker (dind) but not quite!
In a rather standard continuous integration setup there is a process in which we needed a container to trigger other containers to be created and ran. A typical way to do this is to share the host's docker daemon with the container. This way we avoid any pitfalls with a true docker-in-docker setup that is also unnecessary for our use cases . . .
Manual ActiveRecord Transactions via ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction_manager
Especially useful in the rails console
I wouldn't recommend using this in application code because having automatic handling of transactions via blocks with ActiveRecord::Base.transaction is way safer. However there are times where I want to open a transaction but have my ruby code eval'd in realtime in the rails console. Here's the code snippet to accomplish this using the . . .
Welcome Questions
This tweet came across my feed today:
I think this is great and more people who are able should do so!
2016 Career Goals
- Create an open source ruby application
- Publish article on how to TDD w/ RSpec
- Create a talk on domain modeling literacy
- Article and talk on using Rails as only a persistence/delivery layer
- Find a mentor
- Mentor someone
Other resolutions:
- Produce an ambient album
- Read books: Snow Crash . . .
Video: How to stop hating your tests
The following presentation sums up so much of my own methodology of skillful testing. I recommend anyone looking for best practices in testing. The talk has some Ruby but is certainly not language specific. Thank you so much @searls.
How to Stop Hating Your Tests from Justin Searls.
As presented at RubyConf 2015.
. . .Be Skeptical of Articles that don't Discuss the Costs of Microservices
Know what side of the hype cycle you're on
As with most things in technology, everything is tradeoffs. It's tradeoffs all the way down. So when I read an article describing how startup XYZ (which is probably an actual startup but I'm not going to look that up) switched from a "Monolith" to "Microservices" and then proceeds to only talk about the benefits of . . .